LearnedCompanion: LL86 MD7 (August 27, 2020)

  The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on August 27, 2020.

1. Shining Path is a Maoist revolutionary political party based in what nation?

2. "Love Gun" by Kiss shares many of its lyrics with "The Hunter," song by which R&B band, composed of members of the house band at Stax Records?

3. A 1964 art film directed by Andy Warhol consists of 8 hours 5 minutes of slow motion footage of which iconic building?

4. Which opera, the final composed by Richard Wagner, follows the titular Arthurian knight as he attempts to find the Holy Grail?

5. Fullerenes, a class of compounds important in nanotechnology and named for Buckminster Fuller, consist of triple bonded structures of which non-metallic element?

6. The founder of the fast food chain Wendy's shares a first and last name with what cast member of Second City Television?


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