LearnedCompanion: LL86 MD4 (August 24, 2020)

 The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on August 24, 2020.

1. Prince Philip, notably challenged to tiddlywinks by Cambridge University in 1957, belongs to royal lineage of two countries (neither of which is in the U.K.); name either.

2. The title of what 1979 drama starring Jack Lemmon and Jane Fonda comes from the notion of nuclear reactors melting down and releasing nuclear waste deep into the Earth's crust?

3. Cornelius the Centurion is converted to Christianity by Simon Peter in which Biblical book, the fifth of the New Testament?

4. Which spiritual folk song, sung by many Gullah people and common in Sea Islands culture, has a name that translates to "Come By Here?"

5. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac worked closely with which scientist, the author of Kosmos and namesake of an oceanic current?

6. One of the folk tales collected in Charles Perrault's Mother Goose Tales was about which wealthy character, who habitually murders his wives? Bela Bartok wrote an expressionist opera about this figure.


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