LearnedCompanion: LL86 MD3 (August 21, 2020)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on August 21, 2020.

1. Commandaria is a fortified wine made in its namesake region in which European country?

2. Much of Barbara McClintock's research on maize genetics occurred during the middle part of her career at which university, based in the town of Columbia?

3. Regarded as a founder of modern Egypt, which Albanian Ottoman governor ruled Egypt from 1805 to 1848, conquering Sudan and massacring the Mamluks? This figure shares his name with the adopted name of a notable 20th century athlete.

4. In ice hockey, an enforcer is a player whose job is to aggressively seek out fights and aggression during the game. An enforcer is also known by what four-letter term, also the title of a 2011 comedy starring Seann William Scott?

5. A famous work by Yasunari Kawabata is titled The Master of what game? Matches of this game can last for days or weeks, and the concept of atari originates in this game.

6. The 2011 film Carnage won which film award for its screenwriter, Yasmina Reza? These awards are considered the national film award of France (note that the Cannes Film Festival is considered an international festival).


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