LearnedCompanion: LL86 MD1 (August 19, 2020)

 The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on August 19, 2020.

1. General Dynamics Electric Boat, a large supplier of vessels for the U.S. Navy, is headquartered in which Connecticut city, known as "The Submarine Capital of the World?"

2. The two most famous buildings designed by Richard Rogers are likely the Millennium Dome and which building complex, named for a former French president and home to a library and large collection of modern art? This structure was co-designed by Gianfranco Franchini and Renzo Piano.

3. The rhesus belongs to which genus of Old World monkeys found throughout Asia and North Africa?

4. Lahiri is the surname of the title character on which sitcom, which follows the life of an OB/GYN with a small practice in New York City?

5. What is the common four letter name of the device used to transpose the pitch of a guitar or other string instrument by clamping the device along the instrument's neck?

6. A 1975 episode of Hawaii Five 0 featured a guest role for which EGOT winning actress, the real life mother of James MacArthur, one of the show's stars?


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