LearnedCompanion: LL84 MD25 (March 24, 2020)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on March 24, 2020.

1. Although it appeared in a handful of demonstration events prior, the introduction of volleyball as an official event in the Summer Olympics is generally traced back to the games held in 1964 in what city?

2. The line "He showed her how to kick the gong around," which is generally considered to refer to opium usage, appears in which 1931 Cab Calloway classic, which is notable partially for its use of call-and-response scat lyrics in the chorus?

3. The first ever film to receive an "NC-17" rating by the MPAA (it had previously received an "X" rating) was which film based on a book by Anais Nin?

4. Kuru, a rare neurodegenerative disease found among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea, is thought to have spread due to which ritualistic funerary practice, performed to return the life force to living members of the tribe?

5. Tiramisu generally contains what type of Italian cream cheese, often coagulated using lemon juice or a similarly acidic substance?

6. Gaps named by Maxwell, Huygens, Colombo, and Encke appear in which astronomical structures? These structures also title a 1995 novel by W.G. Sebald.


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