LearnedCompanion: LL84 MD18 (March 13, 2020)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on March 13, 2020.

1. Prodigy was one of the two members, along with Havoc, of which New York hip hop duo?

2. What is the two word subtitle of third film in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid film series, released in 2012? This phrase historically originated due to the heliacal rising of the Sirius system.

3. Which engineer worked with Wilhelm Maybach to develop early automotive engines? The parent company of Mercedes-Benz is named for him.

4. What is the stage name of rapper and singer Jarad Anthony Williams, who died in late 2019 at the age of 21?

5. Livonia is a city in Wayne County in which U.S. State?

6. Mick Jagger starred in a 1970 film about which 19th century bushranger and outlaw? A 2001 novel about this man won the Man Booker Prize for its author Peter Carey?


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