LearnedCompanion: LL84 MD15 (March 10, 2020)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on March 10, 2020.

1. From 2010 to 2016, Kenneth Starr, today remembered for his role in the Clinton impeachment, served as the President and Chancellor of which Southern university?

2. Which word, loosely translated as "humanity," is shared by the philosophical theology of Desmond Tutu as well as an operating system based on the Linux kernel?

3. Which Muppet, a friend of Gonzo the Great, takes his name from Dustin Hoffman's character in the film Midnight Cowboy?

4. Under Dutch colonial rule, the city now known as Jakarta was known by what name?

5. The naked mole rat Rufus appeared along with the title character and her sidekick Ron Stoppable on which Disney Channel show?

6. As of 2020, four current NFL teams have never appeared in a Super Bowl. Two are the Detroit Lions and the Cleveland Browns. Name both of the other two.


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