LearnedCompanion: LL84 MD3 (February 21, 2020)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on February 21, 2020.

1. Benjamin Hoff wrote an introduction to Taoism called The Tao of which fictional character from children's literature? Hoff uses the character's lackadaisical attitude to examine the principle of wu wei.

2. In biology, the class of enzymes that trigger bioluminescent reactions have a name that comes from the Latin for lightbringer. This Latin word is also the name of which figure in religious lore? This figure was notably played by Tom Ellis.

3. Kadima, a centrist Israeli political party formed by moderates in Likud, was founded by which Israeli statesman and former military leader, who died in 2014?

4. Sparky Anderson, known as manager of the "Big Red Machine" in Cincinnati throughout the 1970s, later managed which American League team, leading them to a win in the 1984 World Series?

5. Beverly Sills sang in operas such as Anna Bolena, Lucrezia Borgia, and Robert Devereux, all of which were written by which Italian composer and master of the bel canto style?

6. Which city, the second largest in Northern Ireland, had a self-declared autonomous "Free" section, heavily supported and defended by the Provisional IRA?


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