LearnedCompanion: LL83 MD22 (December 17, 2019)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on December 17, 2019.

1. Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara, who rose to fame on the classic sketch show SCTV, currently star on which CBC show about a wealthy family who loses their fortune?

2. What is the name for the affair in which Vice President John C. Calhoun, and almost every other member of Andrew Jackson's cabinet, resigned due to their disapproval of the marriage of Secretary of War John Eaton?

3. The proboscis monkey is indigenous to what large island? This island is also home to a namesake species of orangutan.

4. The Temple of Artemis, a now destroyed Wonder of the Ancient World, was built in what city? This city is also the dedicatee of a Biblical epistle written by Paul.

5. Sam Jones, star of Flash Gordon, cameos as himself in which raunchy 2012 comedy?

6. The interbank market, as it exists today, allows banks to trade currencies among themselves on a global scale. It developed in its modern incarnation after the collapse of an international agreement named for which New Hampshire town, where international economists and representatives met in 1944?


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