LearnedCompanion: LL83 MD21 (December 16, 2019)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on December 16, 2019.

1. A pale ale made by Bass Brewery, holder of the oldest trademark in the United Kingdom, famously appears in which 1882 painting?

2. "People of the Sun" and "War Within a Breath," which express support for the Zapatista movement, are songs by which politically minded 1990's rock band, who are perhaps better known for their famously profane song "Killing in the Name?"

3. Which U.S. government-funded broadcaster, headquartered in West Germany during the Cold War Era, reports the news in countries where free press is deemed to be not entirely established? Perhaps surprisingly, it broadcasts across several continents, not just one.

4. Named for a 19th century botanist, what is the term for the random motion of particles suspended in a fluid? This process, which possesses the Markov property, was modeled by Einstein in a 1905 paper.

5. Which political club, prominent in the French Revolution and consisted of both Montagnards and Girondins, gives its name to a socialist quarterly founded in 2011 by Bhaskar Sunkara?

6. Two actresses from which popular TV show have portrayed Sarah Connor in the Terminator franchise? For purposes of this question, "franchise" includes both film and television.


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