LearnedCompanion: LL83 MD20 (December 13, 2019)

The following are "companion questions" to those appearing on the LearnedLeague website on December 13, 2019.

1. What is the common three-letter name of the symbol originally used to represent the Latin diphthong "ae"?

2. In an early role, which future Oscar winner portrayed destitute teenager Luke Brower on Growing Pains?

3. Gary Dell'Abate, a producer on The Howard Stern Show, was given what nickname after he mispronounced the name of a cartoon character? The name became commonly used by fans of the show in numerous prank calls.

4. In the 1982 World Cup, West Germany and Austria infamously stopping trying during a match, since they were both guaranteed to advance so long as neither team won by a margin of three; this event is often called the Disgrace of Gijon. A Spanish newspaper described this match using what word, from the German for "joining," which is commonly used to refer to Germany's 1938 annexation of Austria?

5. Kim Novak stars alongside William Holden and Rosalind Russell in which 1955 film, an adaptation of a Pulitzer winning play by William Inge?

6. Which Austronesian language, which shares its name with an ethnic group of 23 million, is the official language of Brunei?


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