In Place of a Beginning

Greetings! Welcome to... whatever this is.

My pseudonym is Mercury Mulligan, and I am starting this blog on a lark. I am an enthusiast of quizzing and trivia, among other things. My primary purposes in beginning this project are to expand my skills as a quizzer, learn more about the world, and provide myself with an outlet for what can be generously described as creativity.

My plan: I am a member of LearnedLeague, an online trivia league. I highly recommend the site to anyone interested in quizzing. Simply put, the site publishes 600 questions per year; six per day spread over 100 match days. As my schedule permits, I am going to take every question, that appears on these days and write a companion question to it. My companion questions may be quite closely related to their original LearnedLeague counterparts, or they may be related only tenuously. Note: for question security purposes, I will be posting my companion questions only after the official LL match day has concluded. Also, the quality of my questions will likely vary wildly depending on my time and motivation.

Will this be of interest to anyone other than myself? Shrug. Maybe, maybe not. But I'm posting these publicly partially as a way to hold myself accountable, and partially to create a catalog of my own knowledge and progress as a writer. I may also post various other musings on politics, art, entertainment, crosswords, science, and whatever else strikes my fancy.

Anyway, for now, this is Mercury Mulligan, signing off.


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